Our Aim
  • To educate the next generation regarding the changing challenges to a healthy life
  • Save numerous lives in the long run from Lifestyle diseases.
  • To promote a healthy lifestyle
  • Establish around 10001 Social Health Clubs in Schools across the country, which would create meaningful involvement of adolescents in catalyzing children to adopt Healthy Lifestyles
    Objectives of the Project/ Activity:
    • To empower and build skills of children and adolescents to become health ambassadors and co-create solutions to promote health in school, family, and community settings.
    • To engage the entire school system, parents, teachers, and students in health-promoting activities to enable the adoption of healthy living habits for sustainable health over a life course.




      Recent Activities


      Environment Day Celebration In our BALAK MANDIR HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL M.P.E.B. environment day was celebrated on 7th August 2023. We

      Social Wellbeing

      Van Mahotsav Week : Embrace the Green

      Grade-6 students at DAV POLICE PUBLIC SCHOOL FARIDABAD presented a special assembly on VAN MOHOTSAV. The students presented speeches, recited

      Spiritual Wellbeing

      International Yoga Day

      Celebrating World Yoga Day! On occasion of World Yoga Day, we at DAV POLICE PUBLIC SCHOOL FARIDABAD join millions of


      Organic Farming

      Students of Social Health Club participated in the Organic Farming in the School Compound in 1st April 2023.


      World Environment Day

      World Environment Day was observed on 5th June 2023. Principal, Social Health Club Co-ordinator, Students volunteer of the Social Health

      Club Activities
      Debates & Talks
      Poster making
      Plays & SKits
      Many More
      Institutional Support by
      Our Knwledge Partners
      Our Patrons
      Dr Anand Krishnan

      Dr. Anand Krishnan

      MD, PhD (Sweden),
      Professor, Centre for Community Medicine, AIIMS


      Dr. Chandrakant Lahriya

      Epidemiologist, Vaccinologist, Public health & policy expert and writer

      dr reddy

      Prof. K Srinath Reeddy

      Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI)

      Follow us to get updates on activities